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These are the unpublished, raw Beginnings Series Books

Please feel free to download as many as you want. 

Silent Victor, Cain, Beyond the Wall, and Circle of Justice 1-5 and are Available on Kindle.

(Please, if you really want to read the books and can not afford to purchase, contact me)

For the time being, the remainder are free.

Simply right click and save but should you have any problems feel free to contact me.

5 Ripple
6 State of Time
7 Inner Struggle
8 Inner Struggle II
9 Freedom fight
10 In Retrospect
11 Phases of War
12 Savage Wars
13 Aragon Window
14 Ousting of Phineas
15 On Divided Blood
16 The Game
17 Pursuit of Creed
18 Blessed Irony
20 Bringing in Lodi
21 Faulted Lines 
22 Consigning Fate
23 Black Parade 
24 Joe

I am Frank (Sidebar)

The wishing Doll (Sidebar)


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